Josh Sutphin

June 2024

I recently stepped away from game development after a 20-year run. I'm taking a breather before starting an earnest exploration into a career pivot.

Reading books like Herminia Ibarra's Working Identity and Joanne Lipman's Next! reveals a pattern in people who made successful career pivots: they were transitioning toward something, not away from something.

I find myself leaning strongly toward storytelling. Games have afforded me very few shots on that goal. It's time to try something different!

Also, my wife and I had a baby last year, and we're looking forward to spending more time together with him and the other kids for the rest of the summer. And napping. So much napping. (Recovering from burnout is hard.)

This page was inspired by About Ideas Now

Created 6/28/2024 • Updated 7/2/2024